In 2021, cross-border e-commerce in Saudi Arabia accounted for 59% of total e-commerce revenue, although this proportion will decline with the development of local and hybrid enterprises, and may drop to 49% by 2026, but it still dominates .
Li gorî ecommerceDB, Erebistana Siûdî 27emîn bazara e-bazirganiya herî mezin a cîhanê ye û tê pêşbînîkirin ku heya sala 2023-an bigihîje 11,977.7 mîlyon dolar dahata, li pêşiya UAE.
For example, in 2019, Saudi Arabia established the E-Commerce Committee, joined forces with the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia and other institutions to launch a number of action items to support the development of e-commerce, and promulgated the first e-commerce qanûmda.
Di nav wan de, Amazon li Rojhilata Navîn trafîka serhêl heye.